• Cod. kit MT0060 (MTO040 + MTO041 + MTO022-12-13)
Roto kit 10 cm - cork
• N° 1 Compact handle (cod. MT0040): Handle with quick release for the drill's shaft • N° 1 Drive shaft 10 cm (cod. MT0041): New Maplus Quick Grip 10, 14 & 20cm Roto Hex Drive Shaft compatible with Quick Grip Detachable Handle allows brushes to be exchanged without removing drive shaft from drill chuck! Handle snaps on and off drive shaft and includes ball bearings for smooth rotation. Compatible with all Maplus Roto Brushes, Corks and Felts. Always wear eye protection when operating roto brushes. • N° 1 Cork 10 cm (cod. MT0022): For fast application of wax or powders. Roto cork is ideal for spreading, rubbing and pressing paraffin P1, or fluoro P2, P3 and P4 powders into snowboard base after powder is sprinkled on the base. Also excellent to enhance solid, liquid and spray wax base penetration. • N° 1 Hard Horsehair 10 cm (cod. MT0012): Ideal for freeing up the base structure after ironing P1 paraffin wax into the base (as a first brush) or to set up fluoro P4 powder into the base (as a second brush) after ironing. For best results use light pressure and do not use the same brush applying paraffin waxes that will be used when applying fluoro wax (use one brush for paraffin and another to apply fluoro wax). The Roto Nylon or Roto Soft Horsehair is used for final finishing or polishing of the base. • N° 1 Soft Nylon 10 cm (cod. MT0013): Universal brush for skis and snowboards. For best results use light pressure and do not use the same cork applying paraffin waxes that will be used when applying flouro wax (use one cork for paraffin and another to apply fluoro wax).